Terms and Conditions Casa da Rosa


1.1 When booking and staying at Casa da Rosa you agree to the General Terms and Conditions.
1.2 These general terms and conditions apply to all reservations, accommodation and the conclusion of agreements with Casa da Rosa.
1.3 Unless expressly and in writing to Casa da Rosa and confirmed in advance by Casa da Rosa, the Guest, Customer or any other (legal) person agrees to these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 2. Formation of the reservation agreement

2.1 A reservation is only final after the reservation has been confirmed in writing by the Casa da Rosa.
2.2 A reservation agreement through an online reservation is concluded at the moment that the Customer accepts the offer by submitting the reservation form. Casa da Rosa will confirm receipt of this submission by email. Without confirmation, the Customer can always dissolve the agreement.
2.3 If a Guest has not reported on the first reserved day before midnight (without expressly indicating this), Casa da Rosa is entitled to cancel the reservation. This does not affect the payment obligation.
2.4 In the event of a change of arrival and/or departure date, the original, definitive reservation will lapse and a new definitive reservation will be made in mutual consultation.
2.5 Casa da Rosa compiles the information on the website with the greatest care, nevertheless, during the transfer of data and / or due to technical malfunctions or other circumstances, inaccuracies may occur in the data and / or the data may be incomplete. All online reservations made are subject to obvious changes and/or errors. If changes and/or errors as referred to in this paragraph lead to a change in the price, the Customer is entitled to cancellation free of charge.

Article 3. Obligations of Casa da Rosa

3.1 Casa da Rosa will make the agreed accommodation available to the Guest during the agreed period and/or provide the agreed services in accordance with the quality standards applicable within Casa da Rosa.
3.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Casa da Rosa will make the accommodation available to the Guest from 3 p.m. on the day of arrival until 11 a.m. on the day of departure.

Article 4. Cancellation

The guest is entitled to a 75% refund up to 90 days before arrival and a 50% refund up to 30 days before arrival. If canceled within 30 days before arrival, the nights not stayed will not be refunded. If you leave earlier, the remaining nights will not be refunded. We request that you take out travel/cancellation insurance to receive a full refund for certain cancellation reasons

Article 5. Prices and payment

5.1. The prices may differ per type of accommodation, period and number of people.
5.2 The Customer owes Casa da Rosa the amounts stated in the reservation agreement. After reservation, a deposit of 50% must be credited to the account number of Casa da Rosa within 7 days. The second installment must be paid no later than 30 days before commencement. If the reservation falls within the 30-day period, the entire amount must be transferred within 7 days.
5.3 Payment is made by internet banking, unless otherwise indicated and in accordance with Casa da Rosa.
5.4 The account number of Casa da Rosa is in the name of: S. Ramazanova, IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4550 6202 0890 5 (Please, indicate the name of the customer in the payment’s reference)
5.5 Payment is made in Euro. If Casa da Rosa accepts payment in foreign currency, the market rate applicable at that time will apply.
5.6 If the Guest/Customer does not meet his payment obligation(s) in time, after being informed by Casa da Rosa of the late payment, he is granted a period of 5 days to still meet his payment obligations, after the failure to pay payment within these 5 days the reservation will be cancelled.

Article 6. Liability Casa da Rosa

6.1 This article only applies if the Customer is a (legal) person acting in the exercise of his profession or business. If there is a question of a consumer Customer, the liability of Casa da Rosa is limited insofar as this is legally possible.
6.2 Unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Casa da Rosa, Casa da Rosa accepts no liability in any form whatsoever.
6.3 Unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of Casa da Rosa, Casa da Rosa accepts no liability for damage caused to or with vehicles of the Guest.
6.4 In case of force majeure, Casa da Rosa can either cancel or suspend the agreement. In that case there is no obligation on the part of Casa da Rosa to compensate for any damage.
6.5 Force majeure includes: illness among staff/owners that makes business operations reasonably impossible, war, danger of war, riot or company occupation, water damage, acts of war, terrorism, fire, flood, government measures.
6.6 Casa da Rosa is not liable for theft.
6.7 Casa da Rosa is not liable for physical injury sustained on the grounds of Casa da Rosa. Casa da Rosa meets all basic safety regulations.

Article 7. Applicable law and disputes

7.1 Portuguese law applies to all agreements or disputes.
7.2 Obligations Guest / Customer Casa da Rosa. When staying, the Guest/Customer must respect and comply with the rules of Casa da Rosa. Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in premature termination of the stay without refund. In the event of theft/molest/vandalism/arson, etc., the police will always be called in and the costs of damage, etc. will be fully borne by the guest/customer.